10 Essential Questions to Evaluate AI: Will Your Solution Pass this Test? [Real-world Example Inside]

Sriram Parthasarathy
Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries across the board. From healthcare to finance, manufacturing to agriculture, AI-driven solutions are promising to transform the way we work and live. But how can we effectively evaluate these AI-driven business cases to ensure they deliver real value? This blog post introduces a comprehensive framework of ten key questions to help you assess any AI-driven solution.

The Framework: 10 Essential Questions

When considering an AI-driven solution, ask yourself these crucial questions:

  1. Time: Does it do the job faster?
  2. Cost: Is it more cost-effective?
  3. Quality: Does it improve the quality of output?
  4. Scalability: Can it handle increased workloads?
  5. Reliability: Is it consistently dependable?
  6. Flexibility: Can it adapt to changing circumstances?
  7. Learning: Does it improve over time?
  8. User Experience: Is it easy to use?
  9. Customization: Can it be tailored to specific needs?
  10. Integration: Does it work well with existing systems?

Let’s see this framework in action by evaluating a real-world example: an AI-driven precision agriculture system for large-scale farming operations.

Case Study: AI in Precision Agriculture

Imagine a cutting-edge farming system that leverages machine learning, IoT sensors, drones, and satellite imagery to optimize crop management. Here’s how it measures up against our framework:

  1. Time Efficiency: This AI system analyzes vast amounts of data from multiple sources in real-time, making split-second decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. It detects and addresses issues far faster than human farmers, potentially saving weeks in response time.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: By precisely determining the minimum resources needed for each section of the field, the AI significantly reduces waste. It optimizes the use of water, fertilizer, and pesticides, while its predictive maintenance capabilities lower equipment repair costs and downtime.
  3. Quality Improvement: The AI’s ability to micromanage each field section leads to healthier crops and higher yields. It can spot early signs of disease or nutrient deficiencies that humans might miss, resulting in better quality produce and increased crop survival rates.
  4. Scalability: Whether managing a few acres or thousands, this system scales effortlessly. It can integrate new sensors and drones as the farm expands, handling increased data loads without significant performance drops.
  5. Reliability: Operating 24/7, the AI consistently monitors conditions and makes data-driven decisions. Unlike humans, it doesn’t tire or get distracted, ensuring reliable crop management even during off-hours or in remote areas.
  6. Flexibility: The system adapts quickly to changing weather patterns, market demands, or global events. It can adjust irrigation strategies for impending droughts or suggest crop allocation changes based on market price shifts.
  7. Continuous Learning: With each growing season, the AI refines its models based on crop yields, weather patterns, and market trends. This continuous learning leads to increasingly accurate and effective decision-making over time.
  8. User-Friendly Experience: Farmers interact with the system through an intuitive mobile app or web interface. They can easily view recommendations, override decisions if needed, and gain quick insights into farm operations. The AI’s clear explanations for its decisions build farmer trust and understanding.
  9. Tailor to specific needs: The AI system offers extensive customization options. Farmers can set priorities like water conservation or organic practices, create custom alerts and reports, and program the system to comply with local regulations. It adapts to each farm’s unique challenges, allowing for tailored crop management strategies.
  10. Integration with existing systems: Designed to work with existing farm management software, accounting systems, and machinery, this AI system sends commands directly to smart farming equipment and receives data from various sensor and drone brands, fitting smoothly into the farm’s existing tech ecosystem.

This smart farming system does well in all these areas, showing how it can really change the way farms are run. It helps farmers work better, save resources, and make more money. At the same time, it makes the farmer’s job easier by handling many complex tasks.

Other technical considerations

Consider these additional critical questions: Is the system easy to maintain and update? Does it operate efficiently in terms of resources and energy? Does it comply with relevant regulations? Is it designed and implemented ethically, considering fairness, transparency, and privacy? These factors ensure the AI aligns with both organizational requirements and broader societal considerations.


This framework of ten essential questions provides a comprehensive approach to evaluating AI-driven business cases. By systematically addressing each aspect — from efficiency and cost-effectiveness to security and integration — you can gain a holistic view of an AI solution’s potential impact and value. Whether you’re considering AI for agriculture, manufacturing, or any other industry, this framework can guide your decision-making process, helping you identify truly transformative AI solutions that can drive your business forward in the age of artificial intelligence.

