David Orban to join the Green Power Exchange Team

GPX Team
Green Power Exchange
2 min readJun 18, 2018

Green Power Exchange (GPX), an industry leading solution for peer-to-peer power trading, is pleased to announce the addition of David Orban to its team.

David Orban, Founder of Network Society Ventures and faculty member of Singularity University was an early adopter of blockchain tech, quickly recognizing its utility, and has been an investor in Bitcoin since 2010. Additionally, he was the first to own ether during the Ethereum launch in 2014. He is an entrepreneur, author, investor, blogger, keynote speaker, and thought leader of the global technology landscape. He is a first mover on disruptive technology and saw a clear use case with GPX, saying “The Green Power Exchange represents an exciting opportunity to demonstrate the disruptive power of blockchain in the energy space.”

David will be joining a world-class team of energy and tech experts at GPX as they strive to build the future of power trading and save people money on their power bill.

For more information on GPX, please visit our Telegram channel and the GPX website.

About Green Power Exchange: Green Power Exchange (GPX) is a blockchain-based trading platform. The GPX platform enables simple Peer-to-Peer energy trading. Producers can easily pre-sell their power at a better rate while allowing consumers to buy their power directly for significantly less. GPX is creating a hyper-efficient renewable energy market place to turbocharge clean energy deployment and push out fossil fuels.



GPX Team
Green Power Exchange

The blockchain based GPX Platform enables simple P2P Energy Trading.