Green Power Exchange partners with Connect4Climate

GPX Team
Green Power Exchange
2 min readMay 15, 2018

Green Power Exchange (GPX) is pleased to announce its formal partnership with Connect4Climate, a global partnership program launched by the World Bank Group and the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Connect4Climate takes on climate change by supporting ambitious leadership, promoting transformative solutions and empowering collective action.

By partnering, Green Power Exchange joins 500 partners around the world, including civil society groups, media networks, international organizations, academic institutions, youth groups and the private sector. Connect4Climate was drawn to Green Power Exchange by its innovative solution for peer-to-peer power trading, the incorporation of blockchain and the tokenization of green power, encouraging consumer choice and reducing costs for both producer and consumer. Based on GPX’s huge potential to disrupt an outdated and stagnant power market, combined with its ambition to encourage widespread adoption of easily accessible green power, Connect4Climate invited GPX to become an official partner.

Green Power Exchange and Connect4Climate will now cross-promote and support each other’s likeminded initiatives and activities, widening their reach in a mutually advantageous effort. Connect4Climate interacts with a global audience of more than a million individuals who participate across an array of its social media channels.

About Green Power Exchange: Green Power Exchange (GPX) is a blockchain-based trading platform. The GPX platform enables simple Peer-to-Peer energy trading. Producers can easily pre-sell their power at a better rate while allowing consumers to buy their power directly for significantly less. GPX is creating a hyperefficient renewable energy marketplace to turbocharge clean energy deployment and push out fossil fuels.



GPX Team
Green Power Exchange

The blockchain based GPX Platform enables simple P2P Energy Trading.