Why is Power so Expensive?

GPX Team
Green Power Exchange
3 min readJun 18, 2018

Green power has become the cheapest source of power available, and is rapidly becoming the most abundant, yet power prices are still going up.

The Great Lie
There is a lie that we are told. That green power is too expensive to be of any use, that it will never be cheap enough to deploy en masse, and that it will never scale. The best lies have a grain of truth in them, and each of these points were true… in 2005. The real truth of the matter is green power has become cheap and abundant, but the cost savings are not passed on by the utilities. The real truth is that we are paying too much for power. The real truth is we are being ripped off.

Green Power is Leading the Way
Past and future blog posts have and will demonstrate that green power is cheap, often cheapest, and becoming more and more abundant. Q1 of 2018 in the USA shows green power as the largest addition of production capacity at 95 % of new generation brought online, with other more traditional sources like coal showing 0 % and natural gas showing only 2 %. This is likely to continue as production costs for green energy continue to fall.

Power is Cheap to Produce but Expensive to Buy
Once taxes, grid maintenance costs, and debt retirement have been removed from the equation, there is still a significant difference between what consumers pay for power, and what producers are paid for power. For an extreme example of this, look to California. In California the average rate that a solar energy producer will get for their power is $ 0.05/kWh, but consumers pay between $ 0.10 and $ 0.20, averaging around $ 0.16/kWh. This delta exists in all parts of the world, and while some of the difference is certainly the aforementioned cost of delivery and local taxes, the lions share is simply utility mark-up.

What if there was a way that everyone could buy power directly, at wholesale prices, from local energy producers and cut out the utility mark-up?

GPX Is The Way
The Green Power Exchange is creating a peer to peer power trading system like no other, allowing everyone to buy their power directly from local producers at a fraction of the cost they would normally pay. This is accomplished via our patented Smart Power Purchase Agreements (SPPAs). By directly connecting consumers and producers through these automated contracts, GPX creates a way to sidestep the utility markup process and allow savings to flow directly to consumers whilst producers can sell their power for more. This method allows consumers to actively negotiate their power price, to engage in wholesale power auctions, and to drive competition in an otherwise uncompetitive space. And since green power has become the cheapest and most readily deployable form of power generation, it is GPX sole focus.

So, go green, save money, and put power back in your own hands.



GPX Team
Green Power Exchange

The blockchain based GPX Platform enables simple P2P Energy Trading.