Find out how Veronika Hradilová can light up your dreams in 3 minutes

Millennial Makers
Millennial Makers
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2017
Interview to Antonis Spyridakis

Q1. Hello Veronika, it’s my pleasure to host you in Millennial Makers. Could you tell us a few words about you and your team?

Hi Antonis, thank you for inviting me for an interview. My name is Veronika, I work as a designer and my fellow colleagues Jakub, Jirka and Jakub are full stack developers. For the hackathon, we formed a team named Little Pony. Fun fact: my team was actually fully formed just about half a day before the start of hackathon.

Q2. You participated in V4 Hackathon 2017 three weeks ago. Could you share with us the main incentives for your participation?

This was actually my first hackathon and I have always wanted to participate in one. But I always though this was a nerdy event for developers. Then my friend wrote to me that they are in need of an UX/UI designer to join their team so I joined. My colleagues participated in some hackathons in the past and one of them was even in a winning team.

Q3. Can you introduce to us your application, “Bounty Land”? Which problem do you solve?

As there were several topics to match in Hackathon, we chose Smart cities because the environment we live in highly influences the quality of our life. Our application called Bounty Land solves the problem of polluted and dirty places in your city. Through creating challenges, pinning them to a map and sharing them with citizens you can offer a bounty to someone who would help e.g. with an overloaded trashcan or a dog poo on a street. Because this is also an issue your city should know, our aim would be to gather these data regarding the most frequently pinned dirty places and let your city know about this so they can edit their cleaning routes, a frequency of cleaning particular parts of the city etc.

But Bounty land is not only about cleaning the city, we also want to connect people, let them share more and make good deeds! Imagine you baked too many muffins for a picnic. You could easily pin a photo to a map saying ‘Hello, we are currently at the park Lužánky and we have a lot of muffins, come and join us!’ It could be for free or for several crowns. Payment would be processed easily by your debit card through one click.

We wanted to make our app fun and easy to use so we incorporated gamification elements. Therefore after creating or completing a challenge you’d be rewarded by a good karma and you could see who is the best clean city master and how much more karma you need to gain in order to beat him.

Q4. What challenges did you face and how did you overcome the “barriers” during V4 Hackathon 2017?

Even though my colleagues are experienced developers, we faced technical issues during the hackathon and actually needed to start from scratch 12 hours before the deadline. Despite this, we were able to present an interactive prototype that was partially working from a technical point of view.

Q5. Would you like to share with us your next steps after the Hackathon?

As we didn’t manage to completely finish our app and we really support the idea behind the application, we decided to finish it on our own and release it.

6. Could you share with us your favourite quote? Which is and why does it motivate you?

My personal favourite quote is

Buddha’s thought “The mind is everything. What you think you become”. People will always tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. Truth is you can do everything. The problem is often only your mindset so I find this thought very encouraging.

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