Safe and sandboxed execution of native code

Roland Schatz
Published in
8 min readNov 6, 2018

EDIT 2020–06–09: Update the “limitations” section: Starting with GraalVM 20.1, C++ is also works in managed mode.

EDIT 2019–11–22: Updated to GraalVM 19.3. The main change is that since 19.3, an LLVM toolchain is shipped with GraalVM, so users don’t need to install it manually. The examples in this blog post have been updated to use this, so while the features described here are included in any GraalVM EE starting from RC8, the examples in this blog post assume you have at least GraalVM 19.3.0.

GraalVM is a high-performance runtime for different programming languages. Currently, it supports the JVM languages, JavaScript, Ruby, R, Python, and even native languages. To support a programming language GraalVM needs only an interpreter. At runtime, it uses partial evaluation to generate machine code and execute programs very efficiently.

One particularly interesting language supported in GraalVM is an LLVM bitcode interpreter which can execute LLVM bitcode in a managed environment. It is useful for running unmanaged languages like C and C++ on top of GraalVM, running native extensions for dynamic languages like Ruby, R, or Python, and letting the native code participate in the polyglot world when mixing these.

In this article, we explore a new feature of the Enterprise Edition of GraalVM: managed execution of native code. It not only enables native code to participate in the polyglot programs, passing and receiving the data from any other supported language, but it also executes all native code in a managed environment with additional safety guarantees: catching illegal pointer accesses, accessing arrays outside of the bounds, and so on.

Imagine you have a hello world C code like this:

You can compile it to LLVM bitcode, and run it on GraalVM.

Note: All examples in this blog post assume you have a copy of GraalVM EE (19.3.0 or later) downloaded, with the $GRAALVM_HOME environment variable pointing to where it is extracted. You also need to install the llvm-toolchain component:

$ $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/gu install llvm-toolchain

To compile our example to LLVM bitcode, we use the llvm-toolchain component to compile the code (the lli --print-toolchain-pathcommand prints the path to the toolchain):

$ TOOL_PATH=$($GRAALVM_HOME/bin/lli --print-toolchain-path)
$ $TOOL_PATH/clang hello.c -o hello
$ $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/lli hello
Hello, World!

But of course, C being an unsafe language, you can also do things like this:

We compile this code:

$ $TOOL_PATH/clang hello-bug.c -o hello-bug
hello-bug.c:4:39: warning: format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'int' [-Wformat]
printf("number of arguments: %n\n", argc);
~~ ^~~~
1 warning generated.

Let’s pretend we didn’t see the compiler warning (or maybe it just got lost in pages of other build output, or it was even turned off), and run the code (without GraalVM for now):

$ ./hello-bug
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Whoops. What happened?

The problem is the mistyped format specifier %n instead of %d. The %n format specifier stores the string length until that point into the provided pointer. We're passing an int. Of course, this crashes. An int is not a valid pointer, but printf tries to write to it anyway. Since C is an unsafe language, the compiler will happily generate code that will pass an int where a pointer should go. At runtime, values are not typed, and a pointer is just another number, so the code inside printf has no way to detect the problem.

In this particular case, the compiler gave us a warning. However, this is only because printf is a well-known library function and the compiler knows what arguments you're supposed to pass. But for your own functions, you're on your own.

Now let’s try the same program with GraalVM.

$ $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/lli hello-bug
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

It still crashes the VM. Why is that?

When GraalVM runs LLVM bitcode, the bitcode is executed as-is. Memory is still allocated on the native heap and external functions are called as they are. If the function is not available as LLVM bitcode, e.g. printf from the system libc, it is just called through the native interface.

GraalVM has some mechanisms for polyglot interop, so if a pointer refers to a managed object (e.g. a JavaScript object), the access can’t crash the VM. However, a native pointer is still just a number, which refers to some memory location on the native heap. GraalVM can’t tell in a reliable way whether a pointer to native memory is valid. And, of course, once you start calling real native code outside of GraalVM like the printf function in libc, all bets are off.

Because of these issues, GraalVM can’t really make any additional security guarantees in this case.

Managed mode

GraalVM EE contains a managed mode for executing LLVM bitcode. In that mode, all memory allocations from LLVM bitcode are done on the managed heap. This mode has various advantages and limitations, but the main benefit is that you can’t crash the VM anymore:

$ MANAGED_TOOL_PATH=$($GRAALVM_HOME/bin/lli --llvm.managed --print-toolchain-path)
$ $MANAGED_TOOL_PATH/clang hello-bug.c -o hello-bug-managed
$ $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/lli --llvm.managed hello-bug-managed
number of arguments: Illegal pointer access in 'store i32': 0x0000000000000001
at <llvm> main(hello-bug.c:4:57)

(we’ll get into why you need to use a different path for clanglater)

On the surface, the result doesn’t look that much different: The program crashes. But the important thing is: Now it’s crashing with an exception instead of a segfault. So for example, when embedding this code in a server application, it is possible to catch this exception rather than letting the whole server go down:

$ $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/javac
$ $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/java ManagedTest
number of arguments: something went wrong: org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: Illegal pointer access in 'store i32': 0x0000000000000001

So how does that work?

In the previous section, we identified two crucial problems with memory safety:

  • We want to call native library functions.
  • We can’t tell the difference between pointers and numbers.

Let’s address these points one at a time.

Managed libraries

Calling code in native libraries defeats the purpose of doing managed execution. Native code can do anything it wants, in particular, it can avoid managed memory checks. Because of that, calling native code can’t be allowed in a purely managed environment. So we need to run all library code inside of GraalVM, down to the standard C library. For that to work, we need all libraries in LLVM bitcode format.

Currently, GraalVM only ships a standard C library, musl-libc, pre-compiled to LLVM bitcode. If the program to be executed requires additional libraries, they can be either linked statically to the program, or loaded dynamically with the --lib option of GraalVM's lli command (see the Reference Manual).

The standard C library is using syscalls to communicate with the operating system. To make it impossible to break out of the managed environment, GraalVM has to virtualize these syscalls, redirecting them to the equivalent GraalVM or Java interfaces. That way, all the standard security features of GraalVM and of the underlying Java VM (e.g. security managers) also work for LLVM code.

To make this approach more scalable, we decided to virtualize the syscalls of a single platform only, x86_64 Linux. To the LLVM bitcode, it will always look like it is running on x86_64 Linux, regardless of the actual platform you’re running the code on. This also means that all bitcode needs to be compiled for this platform.

The standard C library shipped with GraalVM is also compiled for that platform. We ship the correct header files for that libc as well. We also ship a wrapper for clangthat can be used to produce bitcode files for the correct platform. The lli --llvm.managed --print-toolchain-pathcommand returns the path to that wrapper (see example above). The wrapper calls the real clang with the compiler flags for selecting the target platform and using the correct header files.

People familiar with GraalVM might have noticed in the embedding example that in managed mode, it is no longer necessary to call allowNative(true) on the context builder:

Context.Builder builder = Context.newBuilder().allowIO(true).option("llvm.managed", "true");

On the other hand, that means you need to supply bitcode versions of all other libraries that your code depends on. Calling code in real native libraries do not work in managed mode, since that would allow avoiding the memory protection.

Managed memory

Now that we have all code running purely inside of GraalVM, we have control over everything that is run. Now we can tackle the more interesting problem of memory safety.

Enabling managed mode has three effects:

  • All memory allocations are done on the managed heap.
  • Access to native memory is forbidden.
  • Access to native libraries is forbidden.

Since all allocations are on the managed heap, memory access violations are impossible by construction. The LLVM language implementation itself is written completely in Java, so the running LLVM bitcode is now as safe as running Java code. For example, even if we have a bug in the LLVM language implementation and miss some out-of-bounds check, we still can not access memory in an uncontrolled way, we still get at least an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from the VM.

This does not just prevent crashes, it can also prevent more subtle bugs.

Consider the following C code (a variant of the usual “don’t use gets” bug):

If we run this code with too much input, it overflows.

$ $MANAGED_TOOL_PATH/clang overflow.c -o overflow
$ echo "123456789" | ./overflow
$ echo $?

But it doesn’t actually crash.

We have just overwritten some random memory. In this small example, overwriting random memory doesn’t break anything, since we haven’t actually used any other memory. In a real-world program, this will just crash later. In the worst case the program never crashes but allows an attacker to take over the system, or leak confidential data.

Let’s try the same program with GraalVM in managed mode:

$ echo "123456789" | $GRAALVM_HOME/bin/lli --llvm.managed overflow
Out-of-bounds access (object size in bytes: 8, accessed byte: 8)
at <llvm> main(overflow.c:6:83)

The out-of-bounds access throws an exception.


As already mentioned, the most important current limitation of managed mode is not being able to call real native libraries. All running code must be available in LLVM bitcode form and executed by GraalVM.

Another limitation is that GraalVM currently only ships with a standard library for C and C++. Other LLVM languages may only work if you manually supply their standard library in bitcode form.

Also note that this feature is still experimental and not yet complete. Only the most important syscalls are implemented. For example, regular file and console IO should work, but memory mapped files and network related syscalls are not implemented yet.

As a workaround, you can use polyglot interoperability with other languages (e.g. Java) for any missing features.

What else can you do with this?

In principle, as long as it doesn’t require native access, anything that works in GraalVM should also work in LLVM managed mode.

In particular, all polyglot interoperability features should also work in managed mode. Interoperability can even work better in managed mode. One limitation of LLVM interop in non-managed mode is that you can not store pointers to foreign objects in native memory. Since in managed mode the “native” allocations are actually in managed memory, this limitation does not apply anymore.


Enterprise Edition of GraalVM introduced the experimental option --llvm.managed to run LLVM bitcode in managed mode. In this mode, all access to native libraries and native memory is forbidden. All memory operations occur on managed objects on the managed heap of the VM, where the standard Java memory protection guarantees apply. In this mode, memory violations by user code are reported as exceptions instead of crashing the VM.

You can get the GraalVM binary from the website: We encourage you to experiment with this new feature and report any feedback or bugs you encounter on Github.



Roland Schatz
Writer for

Researcher at the Oracle Labs VM research group. Team lead of the Sulong project.