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A Great Time For Change

Whether forced or self-initiated

Grab a Slice
Published in
6 min readApr 10, 2020


With tens upon tens upon tens of thousands of articles published on Medium about the Covid-19 pandemic panic I decided that I would try not to add to it. After all, I didn’t really have anything to contribute. My life hasn’t changed much at all. It is essentially the same during the pandemic as it was before the pandemic.

I have tried not to read too many of these pandemic articles but I have read enough to get the gist, plus I try to read all the articles by my favorite authors that I follow and they have all written pandemic articles. I’ve read so many articles about how the pandemic has drastically changed people’s lives, how they have been forced to learn how to live in isolation with themselves, how they cope being away from social situations, how they deal with the depression that seems to come with being by themselves, how their dating lives are ruined, how they are coping with out-of-control fear, and how their robotic routines have been shattered leaving them clueless as to how to proceed with living life.

Reading these articles I realized that the lives of so many people have been turned upside down. But mine has not! What the hell is wrong with me? So that is one reason I haven’t been writing about the pandemic. Since there was almost no change in my life I didn’t have anything to…

