A Witch Doctor Divorce

Looking through the fire

White Feather
Grab a Slice


Sixteen years after the divorce the separation between them was still not complete. They continued to appear in each other’s thoughts and dreams. Neither a legal piece of paper nor over five thousand miles of earth and water could cut the cord that bound them. The cord had been established in a time and place beyond their perceived reality.

So they decided to see a witch doctor.

From their respective locations on the planet they both traveled to the Amazon rainforest where they were taken by guides deep into the jungle to a small hut in which lived a very old toothless man.

The witch doctor came out of his hut and instructed the couple to build a large bonfire, which they did. He then sat in a green and yellow folding lawn chair and watched the couple as they built the fire. He watched the colors of their energy flowing through their auras.

When the fire was raging the old man told the couple to strip naked and sit bare-assed on the ground on opposite sides of the bonfire. He told them to stare through the fire at each other. He then lit a cigarette and watched.

Although both of the couple’s faces were brightly illuminated by the fire it was difficult for them to see each other through the fire. But a light breeze made the flames dance…

