Spirituality and Geology

America’s Holy Land

Loving rocks on Turtle Island

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
11 min readFeb 14, 2021


I have always been a rock freak. As a kid I was always picking up rocks from the ground to examine them. The really cool ones I would put in my pocket and take them home. This irritated the heck out of my mother but that is not why I did it. I just loved rocks.

Looking back at my childhood love of rocks I now see how appropriate it was that for around five years in my mid to late thirties I ended up working as a stonemason. I got to build things out of rock; rock walls, stone steps, flagstone patios, stone fireplaces, decorative waterfalls, and such. I loved it. I spent my days with rocks in my hands. Of course they were rocks that were way too big to put in my pockets but I still managed to bring some home with me — to the mild irritation of my wife.

But then my little family and I moved away from New Mexico (also known as, The Holy Land). We moved to Colorado and I must say that the rocks in Colorado are very, very different than the rocks in New Mexico. But it did not matter much because I had made the decision to shift my life focus away from rocks towards books. Rocks and books are my thing.

When I was not working in my bookstore I was often out in nature taking long walks and hikes with my four-legged wife. My…

