Another Wonderful Glorious Day!

The story of an irritating boy

White Feather
Grab a Slice


From the minute his eyes popped open in the morning until he finally fell asleep at night, little eleven-year-old Elliot was a source of great irritation to his family, his friends, his school, and the neighborhood. Adults and children were plotting behind his back in order to put him in his place.

Elliot suffered from extreme happiness and joy. It was not suffering to him, though; just to everyone else.

As soon as he opened his eyes in the morning Elliot would scream, “Thank you!” He then quickly jumped out of bed and continued his screaming, “It’s another wonderful glorious day! Yippee! Yippee! It’s another wonderful glorious day! Yippee! Yippee!”

Frank, Elliot’s older brother who slept in the same bedroom, would cover his head with his pillow and blanket attempting to drown out his little brother’s screaming. It did not help much.

After going to the bathroom Elliot flew down the stairs to the kitchen, “Good morning, Mother dear. Guess what?”


Elliot began jumping up and down as he screamed, “It’s another wonderful glorious day! Yippee! Yippee! It’s another…”

“Elliot! Stop that right now! It’s too early in the morning to be screaming. What the hell is…

