The Second Missive from Grab a Slice

For your delectation and information

Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice


News, news and more news

I promised not to disturb your slumber too often, but there really is a plethora of news to report.

Our numbers have doubled since the first newsletter, so a big welcome to all new readers. Hope you find yourselves at home here.

The format of the publication has changed slightly. You’ll find a Meet the Writers tab in the middle at the top of the page so, just in case your favourite writer has scrolled off the bottom, you can always see a sample of their work there and follow the link to their full feed.

Writers — if your favourite story isn’t shown, let me know and I can switch it. Has to be a recent one though, as the picklist I get only goes back about a week.

You’ll notice that the newsletter header format is a little more adventurous this time. I’m experimenting with a new set of heading templates available from Casey Botticello and so far I’m liking what I see.

One more thing on format. When I sent the first letter I didn’t even know that it would show up as a separate story on my feed. You may wish to follow the link in this letter to view it on the Medium site, as the writer links below are so much more eye-grabbing there (once I’ve made a few edits).

Writer News

I’m excited to announce that three new writers joined us recently.

Starkey makes a very welcome return to Medium, with a killer rewrite of one of my favourite stories, a great parable of thought police in action.

White Feather is a legend on Medium, and his first contribution went straight to the top of our Trending section, such is his following. Very happy to have you, WF.

Timothy O'Neill has been a great supporter of writers on our site, and his own output offers compelling insights, told with a unique voice. Welcome, Timothy!

I’m also delighted that Delta B. McKenzie and Britni Pepper have continued to publish their entertaining and thought-provoking stories through this site. Here are a few of their latest.

And Finally…

A sorry tale, with a moral that I have taken to heart.

I was well-pleased with a little dialogue story, especially when it was accepted for publication in PS I Love You. I waited a week for it to appear on Fiction Friday, but I probably made the accompanying photo too drab (death bed is hard to brighten up!) and you had to scroll past all the superstars on PS to get to my offering.

After a few days I had only collected claps and responses from the same people who would have seen it on Grab a Slice.

The Moral — stick with this tribe and publish on my own schedule!

Here it is, for anyone who missed it and has had their curiosity piqued.

That’s it for now. Many thanks for reading this, and following the publication. Day by day it is becoming less of a vanity project and more of a showcase for some of the most talented writers on Medium (or anywhere!). Good to have you along for the ride.

Comments, queries and suggestions, as well as requests to be added as writers to the usual strangely formal email —



Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice

Writing about family, trading, spirituality and popular culture. Speculating in my fiction and investments. Made more mistakes than I’m admitting here.