Collectivism vs. Individualism: The Secret That Can Never Be Repeated

Jarett Dunn
Grab a Slice
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2021


This entry to my ever-growing repertoire of online nonsense bears many interconnected and equally-as-good titles:

Why Bitcoin is Doomed To Be Censored

Similarly to The Secret, the grass-roots revolution of Magical Internet Money will find an epic doom as it’s regulated. Further and further it becomes an unwieldy monster against the conventions and institutions that define our social structures — further and further it will be locked down, measured, and persecuted.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency represent the people taking back control of their finances against banks and intermediaries — something that the ruling class will never allow, at least with any scale. Some geeks in some basements literally bred you a function to become unequivocally free of governments and finances, and those governments and financial Gods are closing in on their prey as we speak.

It’s the same as any other financial revolution that’s existed — however briefly or ‘flash in the pan’-ly in the past, and any other future revolution that could at least arguably sever the commands and controls of the bourgeoisie. This includes things like the October Revolution.

This is the bankers and politicians securing their class — not necessarily themselves, in the case where we behead everyone who annoys us (not out of the question) — but like a poisonous frog dying to save his species, the rich protect their…

