
Doctor Scrambler

Genius or snake oil salesman?

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
8 min readFeb 3, 2021


Dr. Olivia Bettlesmith and Dr. Courtland Franzblau walked down the long corridor towards the conference room. Their footsteps echoed in the near-empty tunnel-like corporate hallway.

“I didn’t get the memo.” Dr. Courtland Franzblau looked at Dr. Olivia Bettlesmith as they walked, “Who the heck is this Dr. Scrambler and why are we going to hear him speak?”

Dr. Olivia Bettlesmith did not look at him, keeping her eyes focused straight ahead, “Well, Dr. Scrambler is not his real name. People call him that for two reasons: One, no one can pronounce his real name, and two, because his invention which he claims will change the world is called, The Scrambler.”

“Invention that will change the world, huh? Didn’t they say that about the atomic bomb? So where does this Dr. Scrambler hail from?”

Both scientists stopped as they reached the door to the conference room. Dr. Olivia Bettlesmith turned to Dr. Courtland Franzblau and smiled, “Supposedly, he crept out from some dark and dingy hidden corner of academia where he had been working on his invention in a secret lab above his father’s garage for the last twenty years. I think it was somewhere in New Jersey.”

