Humorous Astrology

Exploding Planets

And flying excrement

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2020


The thing about astrology is that you can spend an entire lifetime studying it and you still will not be able to learn all there is to know. It is way the heck too complicated for me. That is why I defer to the experts.

One of my favorite astrologers is Pam Gregory from the U.K. I love the way she talks.

A few days ago I noticed a video she put out on the monster new moon that we all just experienced. I’ve always loved new moons, maybe even more so than full moons. Perhaps I was hoping to hear some good news for a change. I don’t know. But I watched it.

The news was not good, though. Apparently, this new moon came with several hundred planets and planetoids and moons and suns all in fire signs. That can’t be good. (Especially for someone like me who has scores of planets and houses and barns in fire signs.)

All this fire had the potential to set off a veritable shit-storm of aggressive male warrior energy. It had the potential to set off protests and riots and all sorts of fighting and violent behavior. It could turn people against one another and greatly intensify any existing conflict. It is also the perfect astrological alignment for wildfires and earthquakes.

