Fake News and Coronavirus: Both Deadly

Britni Pepper
Grab a Slice
Published in
5 min readFeb 3, 2020


Take care with superficial memes

Social media meme (copyright status uncertain)

My social media friends have been passing around a meme, purporting to show that the Coronavirus strain currently rampaging through China isn’t a big deal.

Don’t be misled. It is.

For one thing, the early figures out of China were misleading. Due to their way of handling bad news stories, this new virus was presented as no big deal for some time.

And then when they wanted to spin the story a different way, we got images of a new 1 000 bed hospital being erected in a few days.

Hospital. Maybe the Chinese have plans for modular hospitals already drawn up, but don’t be misled. This isn’t a hospital but a prison. The bars on the windows, the solid doors to the rooms, the hatch to pass in food; what hospital has individual patient accommodations like this?

Jail or hospital; the fact that the Chinese are putting up two 1 000 bed facilities in a few days indicates how seriously they are taking this disease.

Kung flu or Pandamic?

Coronavirus is just a name for a variety of viruses, including the common cold, SARS, MERS and so on. They hit us on a regular basis, and usually we have no major problems dealing with them. A few coughs and snorts…



Britni Pepper
Grab a Slice

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.