
Finding Our Life Spark

And unconditionally loving ourselves into existence

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2020


As we stepped into human form we experienced a profound separation and disconnection from our Creator. Despite the fact that we all have a life spark within us that is a piece of the Creator and keeps us always connected, we became immersed in sensory perceptions and consequently our awareness went through another separation, this time from our life spark.

Losing the self-awareness of our divine nature, we became lone strangers in a strange and hostile world. All struggle, all misery, all conflict, all depression, all illness, and all lack is the natural consequence of our perceived separation. Our spiritual evolution is a process of healing and moving beyond this illusory perception of separateness.

It is said that we were all thoughts in the mind of the Creator. These thoughts were thought with such intense pure unconditional love that they manifested. They were given life. Within each of us is a life spark of pure unconditional love. Without this life spark we would cease to exist.

This life spark keeps us alive despite the fact that we remain mostly unaware of it. It is all our thoughts and feelings of separation that keep us oblivious to that life spark of unconditional love within each of us…

