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Happy Naked Feet

Connecting to our mother

Grab a Slice
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2020


What is under your feet? Are you touching the Earth? Do you go entire days without touching the Earth? When you are sleeping how much space is there between your body and the Earth?

I am so very, very grateful that I do not live on the thirty-fourth floor of some skyscraper. I would be so far removed from the planet that it would be difficult to remain grounded. I am also thankful that I am not an astronaut.

We are all earthlings. Our connection to this planet is evident in every atom of our bodies. The Earth is our mother but we have turned away from her. We rarely, if ever, touch her. We have been frighteningly disconnected from Mother Gaia/Mother Nature and are blissfully unaware of the consequences.

Yesterday we had a beautiful spring-like day here on the Great Plains of Turtle Island. I celebrated by walking barefoot on the grass. There was absolutely nothing separating my body from the planet — not even the thin soles of shoes. There was absolutely nothing blocking the energy moving back and forth between myself and the planet. The planet and I were one.

Yes, I am an earthling and I take that seriously.

While walking barefoot on the grass I stopped and harvested some dandelion leaves for a soup that I was going to make. The entire dandelion…

