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It Is Like Cocaine

But not as expensive

White Feather
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2020


I was speaking with my middle-aged daughter recently. She was bitching about something at Wal-Mart (the only grocery store in a 75-mile radius). When it comes to Wal-Mart there is always something to bitch about.

When she was done bitching it was my turn. I complained about how the jalapeno peppers and serrano peppers in the Wal-Mart produce department seem to be getting milder and milder. They have almost no hotness to them anymore.

And if that isn’t bad enough, in the Mexican food aisle all the name brand jars of picante sauce and salsas are also too mild. In fact, most of those brands come in mild, medium, and hot but our local Wal-Mart only carries mild and medium of any of those brands. No hot versions. That really pisses me off.

I’ve learned that the Wal-Mart ordering system takes into account regional palates. Here on the Great Plains of Turtle Island, a region that was settled by northern Europeans who had never tasted hot and spicy foods before, no one eats hot and spicy food. So our local Wal-Mart doesn’t carry any. If I went to a Wal-Mart in Texas or New Mexico or even Colorado the aisles would be full of items marked, ‘HOT!’

Seriously, what is the point of even buying a picante sauce unless it is hot? That’s why we eat picante sauce; because it’s supposed to be…

