Johnny Peach Pit

The hero I want to become

White Feather
Grab a Slice


Image by Alicja (Pixabay)

The end of July is when the Colorado Western Slope peaches arrive here in my little town on the Great Plains of Turtle Island. Normally it is a time of extreme jubilation on my part for I am an ardent peach freak. Peaches are my favorite fruit and in my opinion Colorado Western Slope peaches are the best peaches on the planet.

A couple of months ago, however, I was talking to the woman who runs the fruit and vegetable stand out on the highway where I normally get my peaches and she said that the Western Slope of Colorado suffered a devastating late frost this spring that wiped out most of the peaches. I almost cried.

But she said they still might get a few in.

Well, last week they got in a small shipment. The peaches were smaller than they normally were and, for some reason, they were rather bruised. But they were fantastic! I wanted to buy a whole box but I didn’t have enough moola on hand so I bought eight.

As soon as I got home I ate three peaches straightaway, one right after the other. I immediately slipped into a state of nirvana.

The good news is that they will be getting one more shipment next week.

All kids have heroes, right? Well, when I was a kid my hero was Johnny Appleseed. That guy spread fruit trees…

