Inspirational digit fiction

Magic Finger Superpower

The tragic tale of a loving boy

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
8 min readJul 20, 2020


It was in the tenth summer of Kevin’s young life that the magical event happened. Up until then he was just a normal boy living a normal life. But on that hot summer afternoon in the forest when he gained his superpower his life would change forever — and so would the lives of thousands of people.

In the late afternoon after school Kevin would sit with his siblings in the living room of the family home while their parents watched the news on TV. To Kevin it was like watching a horror movie. Endless footage played out on the news of people suffering. People around the world were seen being attacked and persecuted and arrested and put in cages. He saw starving children and sick adults and family homes being bombed. He saw tear gas cannisters explode and police batons landing on the heads of people who were marching and pleading for a better and fairer life.

In school he learned about Gandhi, Mandela, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others who worked tirelessly to improve the lot of humankind. He read about about how movements of peaceful protest drastically changed the lives of millions. He learned about how love could change reality.

