Medium, Free Speech And Tourism

And Christmas wishes to you all!

Grab a Slice
3 min readDec 23, 2021


A bottle of wine, lit candle, empty wine glass and some food on a table.

I’m not brown-nosing with the hope that I will be noticed by the editors of this fine establishment. Medium is the place where people can express their thoughts, disagree and have fights. I like that everything goes on here and no one is trying to cancel each other. I guess there were instances when somebody tried to kill a story they didn’t like, I never had a problem with the expression of my views. I am not a top writer. Perhaps, that’s why I get away with murder. Don’t call the police, I am not talking about a literal murder.

Those who read my stories or opinion pieces know that I am a so-called anti-vaxxer with a tinfoil hat sitting in front of a computer. Just kidding, my tinfoil hat was blown away when I went to Stonehenge. I am kidding again, I’ve never been to Stonehenge, passed it by a few times on the way to Devon but never stopped there to see the stone circle. Too many tourists and as I am a Londoner, I hate tourists. Just kidding, London is starving for tourists, the rich Americans don’t come here at the moment and it affects me directly. You see, I work in an industry that relies on tourism, the West End theatres are dying.

I am not complaining. I can drive trucks if needed, hopefully, people still need milk and bread in shops. I can deliver those. Not the shops, the bread and milk. Perhaps, I will become a famous writer and I will never have to go to work for someone else ever again. The last sentence is definitely a joke. As long as I am able to cover the monthly fee, I feel like I achieve something.

Back to Medium. There are many good and very good writers on here, don’t worry I won’t tag you. I could name them but then it will be unfair for those who I might forget.

There are many different stories on opposing views, sex, travel journals, science pieces, spirituality, religion, conspiracies and so on. The list is endless. As I mentioned, everything goes on here as long as you don’t steal each other's work. And if some of us do borrow ideas, they are good at hiding them, which is an art in itself.

There were occasions when I came across some weirdos but as long as I remembered to stay polite they walked away. Those people usually do walk away, it’s not Twitter. That platform is an energy vampire heaven. I got burned a few times over there. I can tell you, energy vampires are real and they adapted to digital life quite well.

So what do I want to say? Whatever your outlook on the world is, let’s agree to agree or disagree, this way we can keep the platform madness free. Sooner or later it will go down south as everything in the virtual world (remember My Space?)But until then let’s have some cheese and wine and be merry! Happy Christmas everyone!

