Medium Strikes Again

Money, Money, But Not Everywhere

John O'Neill
Grab a Slice


Photo by 金 运 on Unsplash

Is everyone excited about the potential of getting a bonus? I thought not. Most of us know better, we know our place. And you poets, oh well, maybe if you write ten a day you might stand a chance. So the ones who already make the most money, will get even more. How exciting…for them. Such a nice corporate approach. Why not a lottery with any paid member being eligible if they have written at least two pieces a month. Wouldn’t that make more people’s juices flow with anticipation of having at least a chance to get a few more dollars? Those dollars would also probably be more meaningful to those whose Medium income is slight. Or you could combine bonuses for already high earners with a lottery for all members.

Yet another novel idea, why not reward members for reading the work of others? Isn’t it the person who spends hours each week reading the products of others one of the prime driving engines behind Medium’s success? After all, only time spent reading by members is counted toward credit for earnings. I’m sure there are those who spend more time reading than publishing their own material. Having many times tried to reciprocate by reading someone who has read a piece of mine, only to find that they haven’t written anything recently or at any time, I know this to be true.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that Medium is putting more money back into writers. I just wish they were doing so in a more “share the wealth” kind of way that also incentivizes more people to write. But then I’m from Massachusetts and I can’t help the way I think. And I wouldn’t want to anyway.



John O'Neill
Grab a Slice

Retired human services executive, living in Massachusetts near Boston, trying to be a better human being each day than the day before.