Misogyny and Misandry

An endless teeter-tooter?

White Feather
Grab a Slice


Image by Jose R. Cabello — Pixabay

We live in a polarized system of duality. Life in this dualistic reality is a pendulum ride back and forth between polarities. As far as gender goes, humankind has been riding the pendulum between male and female energy, back and forth, for a couple of hundred thousand years.

It takes approximately 35,000 years for the pendulum to swing from one end of the dualistic spectrum back to the other end. For the last 35,000 years the pendulum has been swinging away from the feminine towards the male. Male energy has been intensifying with each century we encounter.

And it is has been in the last 2,000 years that the pendulum has approached and touched full male energy dominance. When the pendulum reaches one end of a dualistic spectrum it seems to stop briefly before beginning its journey back towards the other end of the spectrum.

For the last few hundred years we have been in that pause of complete male energy dominance. But the pause is ending and we are now heading back towards female dominance. We have been at the very apex of male dominance.

And we are now headed in the opposite direction.

It may seem like we are headed in a direction that we must prepare ourselves for but could there be a third option?

