
Mojo Resonance Factor

Free business advice that works

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2020


I’ve really been enjoying going to the bank over the last year. It is not because I have tons of money to deposit, though. It is because of the changes instituted at the bank. It is because of the new mojo resonance factor.

The former bank manager was a really nice guy but he had no sense of style and had no knowledge of the all important mojo resonance factor. Under his leadership the bank had all the ambience of a sterile airport restroom. I just could not feel much mojo at all going in there.

When he got promoted to the corporate offices a new manager took over; a female manager with fuchsia hair, over-sized fuchsia glasses, and a high squeaky voice. Everything began to change.

When the old boss was around there was not a single potted plant in the entire bank. One of the first things the new boss did was bring in plants. And she encouraged her tellers (all females) to bring in houseplants to put around their stations.

The bank has turned into an indoor jungle. The mojo resonance factor has skyrocketed. It feels so good to walk into that bank! The vibes are awesome.

A week or so ago I was in there and commented to my teller that I really liked all the plants. I mentioned that every…

