Of Approaching the Precipice and Touching the Infinite
Thoughts on unmedicated perception
I’ve approached the precipice and touched the infinite.
Ever since, terrified of the mind-boggling worlds and eons at my fingertips and beyond the wall separating my consciousness with others, I’ve employed a series of doublethink to keep my sanity and my single-pointed perspective. I had acted to succumb to the pharmaceutical industry’s agenda and medicate myself into a vegetable — as The Man had judged my thought processes to be dangerous, I had become a danger for those around me — and, most importantly for the doublethink, myself — and needed sedation.
People close to me after they’ve had an adult soda ask when it is exactly that I gave up…
Years later, devoid of dopamine unless left to my own indulgences, I wonder aloud: who exactly do I pose a danger to? I’ve never once acted out in violence, even when entrenched in mental battles with delusion and hallucination.. The Man keeps me hidden and subjugated because of my thought processes, but I begin to realize that these thoughts are only truly dangerous to Him. The Man, society, and social convention.
I’m a threat to their paradigms and assumptions. Everyone afflicted with interdimensional realizations is. We’re all suppressed, censored…