The Big Disconnect — Part One

One Trump-free Month

Leaving then returning to the internet

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
6 min readJan 16, 2021


There are a lot of articles on the internet about disconnecting from the internet. Many Earthlings have written how they disconnected from social media and the internet in general for a week or a month or longer and they described the resulting happiness and peace that they experienced as a result.

Such a disconnection makes a lot of sense to me and I have tried to do it from time to time. The big problem for me, though, is that I was never able to do it for more than twenty-four hours. One day is not a true disconnection. It is just a very brief break. It provided me with only a fleeting sense of what a true serious disconnection could bring. It was like an alcoholic going all morning without a drink.

So back in October when I moved to a different, more affordable apartment I saw that as an opportunity to do a more serious disconnection. After all, the very act of moving to a new location results in an internet disconnection and reconnection that can take a couple or a few days. I decided to wait to reconnect until I was fully moved in to the new apartment which would take me a couple of weeks. Two weeks is longer than I have gone without internet in over twenty years. Strongly committed, I decided to go for a true…

