
Opening the Door to Radical Change

That can happen very quickly

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2020


Embracing the life spark that is at the very core of our being, that is the very essence of our true self, we tap an extraordinary power. It is the ultimate creative power with which we could create entire universes if we wanted to. That is how powerful we are.

But we remain blissfully unaware of that power. Instead we believe we are powerless; victims adrift in a sea of external forces. That is what we have been taught to believe and what we accept without question. It is, of course, easy to accept that belief when we have never truly touched that power.

The energy that power releases is tremendous in scope and profound in its effect on so-called reality. It does not take very many Earthlings who have touched their life spark and opened the door to that power in order to change the entire planet in just a matter of days. It does not take many at all.

We are that close to creating a whole new wondrous reality, the blueprints for which have been encoded within us for a couple hundred thousand years. Of course we have always been that close. The limitless energy of our life spark has always been right there within us waiting for us to touch it, to claim it, to unlock it, to surrender all our resistance to it.

