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Paradigm Shift

It can be a slow process

Grab a Slice
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2020


Just as the crowds erupted in cheering everything seemed to change. People were filled with a torrent of hope and relief. A new paradigm was being birthed.

Of course there were still a tiny few who refused to release the old paradigms, clinging to them with all their might. To them any sort of change is a threat.

Back when the masses believed that the Earth was flat and then men sailed their ships all around the world there were still people who refused to believe that the planet was round (even to this day). Back when humans collectively believed that they were stuck on the planet and space travel was impossible, men went to the moon and back to prove them wrong yet some humans refused to acknowledge it, claiming it all happened on a Hollywood movie set.

When humans are brought up within paradigms and told to never question them that becomes their reality, their comfort zone. When new revelations shatter old paradigms their realities are threatened and people will cling to the beliefs they were conditioned with out of extreme fear of anything outside of those conditioned beliefs.

Beliefs are like a prison. The door to the prison can be opened and left open and many people will refuse to walk out of the prison because their fear is greater than their quest for freedom. This…

