Planetary Imaginings

What do you imagine?

White Feather
Grab a Slice


Imagine if every movement you make with your body produced another movement in response somewhere else on the planet. Wouldn’t that be cool?

What if that is actually true but we can’t verify it because we have no way of knowing where the corresponding movement might happen?

What if every single human on the planet suddenly in the same moment began dancing. How would that affect life everywhere?

What if every single human on the planet chanted, Om, at the very same time? How would that affect the overall vibratory frequency of the planet?

What if every single human on the planet took off their socks and shoes and stood with naked feet upon the skin of Mother Gaia? How would that make her feel?

Do you ever imagine stuff like this?

Here is another one: What if there was a planetary law that stated that in order for any two people to get married they first had to plant a tree and promise to nurture that tree for the duration of their marriage?

What if a tree had to be planted for every child that is born?

What if a tree had to be planted every time someone died?

What if every single human on the planet drank a ten ounce glass of water at the same…

