Reveries Of A Troubled Soul

Images In Words

John O'Neill
Grab a Slice
2 min readJun 26, 2020


Image by Pezibear from Pixabay

An island of human ingredients and composition; a solitary lamb grazing on a plateau; a mother nursing a new born child.

Bars enclosing men somehow designed to help them grow

Mischievous squirrels scampering from tree to tree

A young man quietly refuses to kill men for the sake of ideas

Schools that bend, twist, push, stamp, and suffocate

An eagle soaring majestically in the sky

Child soldiers crying and striving to make amends

Walls of cynicism and fear to protect what might have been

An owl atop his temple surveying his treasures

An elderly woman bringing flowers to her husband’s grave

Legions to fight for country against God

The rays of sunlight reflected on a clear lake

A black child touches the skin of a white child, and with question resolved, smiles; the gesture is reciprocated

Modern scribes and pharisees heaping burdens upon those they should be serving

Young bear cubs searching haphazardly for honey

Having the fountain of youth within him, an old priest continues to reach out and heal

Citadels of justice with daily crucifixions

Crickets rhapsodically hailing another evening

A workman going to night school so as to be worthy of his children

Migrant families with stoic elegance creeping merely to a prideful poverty

Seagulls, breakers, starfish-a trinity of sorts

Joy, thrill, devastation, curtains in the sanctuary being torn asunder-a youth’s first realization of being loved by another

Choking cities and stagnant waters

Orchids and roses arousing even nature’s senses

An addict asks for help, the answer is uncertain

Every person in the world treated alike, all are strangers

The colors of the rainbow signaling fresh beginnings

After years of wandering, a man falls on his knees, and finally starts to listen

The state of the union is: fog, bluster, and thunderstorms, with little relief in sight

Where were You when we were getting nailed to all those crosses?

Give me your money, your power, your influence, and your sacred magic, but keep your charity

Come on, what do you really think of us?

What do we have left to trust you with?

Cities burning, once because of destructive self-hatred, now with a demand for change

More circles, we are tired of waiting

Souls once on ice, now roaring firebrands

But glimpses of hope, please suffer the little children to come, for His Spirit still blows amongst them



John O'Neill
Grab a Slice

Retired human services executive, living in Massachusetts near Boston, trying to be a better human being each day than the day before.