
Shirley MacLaine’s Beard

Another celebrity encounter

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2021


It is hard for me to pass a bookstore without going in. So I went into this bookstore that I had never been in before. It was not long before I was disgusted by how messy the bookstore was. It looked like the shelves had not been straightened in months. And there were stacks of books on the floor!

Like the American flag, books must never touch the ground. That is how weird I am about books and bookstores.

So I wandered around this messy unorganized bookstore hoping some book would pop out at me. At one point while perusing some shelves I turned to my left and there also perusing some shelves was Shirley MacLaine!

Many years ago Shirley used to appear in my dreams quite often. I don’t know why. Yes, I am a big fan of hers but other artists I am a fan of don’t normally show up in my dreams — and certainly not multiple times. It has been many years since she has shown up in a dream. It was great to see her again.

I used to wish that Shirley was my mother. Yeah, I know, that is weird. I always thought that she would have made a much better mother than my real mother. I always thought that I could really open up and talk to her.

