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Simultaneous Selves

Thinking differently about reincarnation

Grab a Slice
Published in
8 min readFeb 21, 2020


Before we entered physicality, we were spiritual entities. An entity is an individual piece of God. The original All That Is, or the original creator of our universe, or the original one-ness, or God, was a bored and lonely God, who split itself up into many, many pieces. This gave that original God, not only companionship, but a way to experience the universe it created. The plan called for each of these entities to individuate into their own fully-realized Gods, capable of all things the original God was capable of. This original God did not just want entities that it could lord over. It wanted Gods that it could co-create with.

So this original God split itself into many, many pieces, and each of those pieces (entities) began the long and arduous process of individuation. The process of individuation calls for knowing the universe and knowing the self, so these entities spent a few gazillion years joyriding the universe, checking out every nook, cranny, and quasar. The process of individuation cannot be complete, however, until the entity experiences physicality. After all, physicality is part of the universe just like all the other dimensions. This was the tricky part of the individuation process. Luckily, there was a certain planet designed specifically to facilitate this portion of the individuation process. It…

