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Talking Her Down Off the Ledge

The current importance of communication

White Feather
Published in
6 min readMar 17, 2020


Yesterday I got a phone call from a dear friend that I have known for close to thirty years. She has always been a very intelligent (and psychic) person who has spent many years helping and giving advice to others. Now suddenly she needed advice and someone to talk to. So she called me.

I guess everyone else was busy. Actually, most of her friends have died and I’m one of the few still alive that she can talk to about serious matters. She is in her late Seventies and lives alone way out in the country with her two kitty cats. Since her stroke she quit the internet and now her main access to the outside world is television.

“What the hell is going on?” she kept asking me. She was in full-blown panic mode. Her cable TV had been down all day.

“Is the world coming to an end? I’ve been watching the news every day — and all the talk shows. It’s like this Corona thing is bringing about the end of civilization. Everything has come to a screeching halt. People are dying and losing their jobs and the economy is crumbling. They say it’s putting us into another recession but it looks to me like we’re headed into another Great Depression. Things have been getting worse with each passing day and now the TV is down and I don’t even know what’s going on. I was going…

