The Alpha Lab

Full Novel

Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice



The counsellors surprise me when they come out of their respective lifts. Damon Runyon I can understand after just a moment’s thought. A writer, just as I’ve always wanted to be. I like his perpetual present tense style of writing and the persona of his narrator. Someone who is never at the centre of any of the action. Always on the periphery of whatever scam he’s describing, observing, analysing, but staying emotionally uninvolved. I like that, I can empathise with that. So, Damon Runyon — good. But who is this buxom peroxide blonde who comes out of the lift on the other side. The name Tallulah Bankhead pops into my mind. Star of the silver screen. I’ve never been a fan of the silent movies, so I’m mystified. For that matter I’ve never been a fan of buxom blondes either. Slim brunettes or, better still, frankly skinny redheads have always done it for me. What’s going on? She strides confidently in my direction and fixes me with mascara-rimmed eyes.

- Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you pleased to see me?

Surely not Mae West, scariest of all the sassy movie sirens. My jaw must drop. When she sees the fear in my face, she cracks up laughing.

- Just trying to scare you, honey. Boy, you wanna see your face. Don’t worry, we’re gonna get along just fine. Now, first up, I hear you’re…



Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice

Writing about family, trading, spirituality and popular culture. Speculating in my fiction and investments. Made more mistakes than I’m admitting here.