Source — (Pixabay)

The Asparagus Prompt

Fond memories of springtime


For me, it is difficult to write with a full bladder. Apparently, the bladder and the noggin are somehow connected. Maybe that is just me. I don’t know.

So late yesterday afternoon I was about to sit down at my laptop to see if there were any words that wanted to come out. But first I went to the bathroom to pee. That is when everything changed. Why? Because that is when I was reminded that I had asparagus for lunch.

The next thing I knew my noggin was bubbling over with memories about asparagus. Apparently, our noses are connected to our noggin, too. Suddenly, there was an onslaught of words about asparagus that wanted to come out.

Asparagus is one of my favorite veggies — but only if it is not over cooked. I have attended a few dinner parties where asparagus was served that was boiled for so long that there was absolutely no flavor or nutrition left in it. Asparagus must never be boiled! That is a culinary sin that will land you in Hell’s kitchen. Asparagus should only be lightly steamed; no more than 2 to 5 minutes. There should still be some crispiness to it. The flavor and nutrients and chi drain out of asparagus very quickly. (And chi is one of the main reasons we eat.)

While I thoroughly enjoy eating asparagus, what I enjoy even more is eating wild

