The Diary Of Unvaccinated

I accept you as you are and I don’t care what medical status you have recorded in your vaccine passport

Grab a Slice
4 min readDec 31, 2021


We are gonna be okay! LOL
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Let me start by stating that I am not some crazed up science denier. I understand that vaccines are helpful tools to stop diseases in their tracks. I stated previously in my writings that I am vaccinated against many things, including TB, Hepatitis, Tetanus and many other nasty organisms wanting to kill me. I travelled in Asia, visited the poorest parts of India, swam in a lake that locals never jumped in. I am still here, healthy.

2020 came. We know what happened then, there is no point to regurgitate the whole story. Bit by bit, people are being divided into vaccinated and not. The vaccinated on the marathon of vaccine intake, unvaccinated are late to join the race.

I read and read and still reading about everything related to the vaccines. I read official information and I read opposing views. I learn new words and terminology. I listen to mainstream scientists and scientists opposing mass vaccination. The picture is not clear. Everything comes down to me, either I accept one side or another one. Either I accept the vaccine that is still in the trial stages or not. There is no middle ground. I am pushed to make a choice. so I chose to stay unvaccinated as the survival rate is more than 98%. If you bet on something and you have a 98% of chance of winning, I say you won already.

I understand that this virus is dangerous to the old and people with comorbidities. I wonder whether Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock knew that when they gave orders to send the elderly infected with covid back to care homes to spread the virus between the seniors in those homes? If they did know then they are criminals and if they didn’t then they are fools. But there is nothing new in the world of politicians, the country is run by people who are weird. Mental patients are in charge of the mental institution.

Back to my life as an unvaccinated human. Thanks to the English attitude I am not threatened with fines and imprisonment for the refusal. I still can go wherever I want. In shops and public transport, I should put a cloth around my face to show that I care. Apparently, theatres and cinemas ask for medical status. Negative test results are enough for them to believe that you are covid free. So far so good. Lucky to me I don’t live in Austria, France, Germany or in my beloved town of Vilnius. I would feel like a proper pariah back in those “New Normal” countries.

All my life I wanted to be different and recently I came to the conclusion that to be different means that I don’t put a label on myself. I am many things at once. I am a father and husband, I am an immigrant and dog owner, I am an anarchist and Buddhist. The list is endless. And now I am an anti-vaxxer according to the official world view. It is what it is, I can live with it.

There is a psychological theory called “Mass Formation”, you can read it about it over here. We are formating our own reality and not a very pretty one. I can see it and it makes me feel sad and angry at the same time.

Laura Dodsworth wrote a book about how the government nudged society to become frightened beyond any common sense. The bureaucrats worked hard to turn us into mindless followers of nonsensical orders. The book is worth your time.

We don’t want to have any responsibility. We don’t want to be free and responsible humans. This is where the end of this civilisation starts. Either we assimilate with the machines or we go back to the life of a forest dweller. The second option is not an option, it’s a fantasy for most. New Future is upon us. Some of us will retreat to the corners of this planet where they won’t be found. Others will fight the technocratic tyranny by all possible means. Most of us will accept whatever we will be told to accept.

There was a drunk guy who couldn’t stand up. Two individuals standing above him and watching him trying to stand up. Not helping him but watching him struggle. I went out and helped the guy to stand up. A simple action of extending a hand to a guy like me. So what if he was drunk. So what that he was dirty. The scene showed me how we are at the moment. As long as we are not on the ground, struggling to stand up then it’s not our business what is happening to the person next to us. I am not talking about some spiritual love. I am not talking about some high beliefs. I am talking about an understanding of the pain of a person next to us. The lack of this understanding will take us to hell. The hell of a tormented soul. I think that’s why we want to surrender to the machines. I think that’s why we want to become like them or one with them. We will do anything possible to avoid feeling that pain.

Happy New Year to all of you! See you on the other side of the New Normal.

