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The Education of a Bible Thumper

When the Jehovah’s Witnesses come a-knockin’

Grab a Slice
Published in
12 min readJan 26, 2020


How do you react when a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses knock on your front door? Over the course of my life my reactions have changed quite dramatically. (Thankfully, they have gotten better.)

A hundred years ago, back when I was a young twenty-something living in California I suddenly found that a small group of Jehovah’s Witnesses decided I needed saving and they started showing up at my apartment door about every five days.

At first I was polite and explained that I was not a Christian and that I was not interested in their proselytizing. I didn’t want to be ‘saved.’ And I didn’t want to hear their rote bullshit. I politely asked them to leave me alone and not come back.

But every five days or so they kept knocking at my door. I became less polite with each knocking and my patience grew thinner.

Then one day, while I was cooking dinner and sipping a margarita, a thundering knock sounded at my door. At first, I thought it might be a young woman who I had invited to come over. I got a little excited.

But then I went to my front door and looked through the peephole. It was the freaking Jehovah’s Witnesses!

