The End And The Beginning

The circle of life

Grab a Slice
1 min readSep 9, 2021


Burning hut in the forest.

Madness simmers underneath his eyes. He gives unreasonable orders to his subordinates. The madness is infectious, the subordinates follow the orders, they switched the reasoning off.

They march into the fire of inevitable death. Death by madness. The fear killed their souls, hearts shattered into million pieces.

His hate towards them was unmeasurable. The hate and displeasure killed his soul and turned him into a beast, the beast with good manners.

Smiles outside sneers within.

Then she came. Saw the devastation and the carnage of the living dead. Her type of place.

It didn’t take her long to set the fire, burn everything to the ground. Soot, smoke and flames. The sweet smell of burning flesh.

And then came silence, the silence before the storm. It rained. Seven days non stop.

Black fields were green, once more. Life came back, once more.

The godess was happy, she liked what she saw. She went back to where she came from. She hoped that she won’t need to visit this place any time soon.

