The Happiest Dude

Who just did not fit in

White Feather
Grab a Slice


Harry was an extremely happy dude. Curiously, he did not have many long-term friends. He was never in short supply of friends but they never stayed for long. While they were initially attracted to Harry by is non-stop happiness, it was that very happiness that eventually drove them away.

For most people Harry’s happiness was just too much to take. No matter how dire or depressing or futile or frightening or apocalyptic circumstances got Harry remained in a state of happiness and joy. It simply was not natural.

It eventually got annoying.

Misery loves company.

When things are really bad people come together for comfort and consolation and support. But when things are really bad someone who remains blissfully happy through it all sticks out like a sore thumb. They are suddenly viewed as an elitist snob. How dare they be happy when everyone else is miserable!

It was like Harry was broken. He was ignorantly unaware that society demands negative reactions to negative things. Being deliriously happy was not culturally appropriate when disasters happen or when panic ensues or when sadness erupts or when everyone is gripped by fear. It certainly was not appropriate at funerals.

