
The Laughing Saint

Bernie pays a visit to Sal’s town

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
5 min readAug 25, 2020


“Who is that guy?”

“No one knows his name. Most of the townspeople call him the Laughing Saint. Some people, of course, use more derogatory terminology.”

“Does he come around often?”

“He seems to show up somewhere around town at least once a day; usually when there are plenty of people gathered. His timing is often quite perfect. Whenever tension builds up between people he will show up and make everyone laugh thus easing the tension. Last week there were people protesting police brutality in front of the police station. They were yelling and cussing and waving signs. Then the Laughing Saint showed up and the next thing you know everyone is laughing their asses off and soon they were all dancing — and not just the protesters; the police, too.”

“Sal, you said in your email that your town is not typical and I’m starting to see that. I’m confused about his attire. He’s wearing a saffron Buddhist robe and pink tennis shoes — which seriously clashes — and he’s got a big red clown nose on his face and he’s wearing a purple cowboy hat with a ton of flowers on it.”

“Actually, his attire is always different — except for the Buddhist robe. He’s always wearing that. His hats and shoes and clown make-up…

