The Pizza Break-up

When food ended a relationship

White Feather
Grab a Slice


Source — (Pixabay)

Claudia and Rudy had been dating for only two weeks but they were already madly in love. It was love at first sight, love at first date. Something like that. The chemistry was phenomenal. They could not keep their hands off each other and they spent every minute together that they could.

Rudy had never been so attracted to anyone in his life. He never felt so good being with someone. He was convinced that Claudia was his soul-mate. Most of his relationships only lasted a month or two or three but he could easily see himself spending the rest of his life with Claudia.

They were so compatible. They liked the same kind of food, the same kind of movies, the same TV shows, the same books, the same colors, the same interior design motifs, the same philosophies and politics. They were perfectly in sync when they danced. They were both cat people. And they were already finishing each other’s sentences.

The one thing they had not yet done together, though, was eat pizza. From work one day Rudy telephoned Claudia and invited her over to his place for pizza that evening.

“Oooh, goodie! I love pizza. I can’t believe we’ve never eaten pizza together before. I’ll be over right after work. Can’t wait to see ya.”

