The Third Soul

A conversation with his mother

White Feather
Grab a Slice


Source — (Pixabay)

The three souls met in the planning room. They had already agreed that two of them would create a body for the third to enter into. But there were still some specifics to iron out.

The third soul looked at the soul that would be his mother, “I want you to be the most terrible mother you can be. I need a love-free dysfunctional childhood that truly challenges me and sets me up in just the right mental state to follow the path I have chosen for my adulthood. If I have a happy childhood then I’ll never be prompted towards my chosen path. Can you do that?”

“No problem. With all the karmic issues I’ll be dealing with I’ll be in just the right pathological state to make your childhood a living hell. And after what you did to me in that one life I think it should be easy.”

“Good. Remember, never praise me, never lift me up. Always, always put me down. No love. No encouragement. Make me feel as bad about myself as you possibly can. I’ll try to do my part to help you by being a horrible brat. I will eventually really appreciate it.”

“Okey dokey.”

The third soul got the terrible dysfunctional childhood that he asked for. His life was full of drama and trauma and angst and struggle and hate and fear. It was not until he was in his late thirties that…

