
The Truth About Santa Claus

A story about Little Kathy’s bike

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2020


Image by Clkr-free-images (Pixabay)

One of the cruelest things we humans do to young children is to tell them that Santa Claus is not real. By inflicting this ‘adult truth’ on them we are destroying their natural ability to manifest as well as their innate ability to hope. We are domesticating them into the prevailing societal gestalt of lack and hopelessness.

But those young wee ones who have not yet had their belief in Santa Claus beaten out of them have a natural knowingness without doubt that Santa Claus is real. To them, Santa makes perfect sense.

Little Kathy wanted a bicycle more than anything in the world. She prayed for it and wrote a letter to Santa asking for it. Every day she would close her eyes and picture in her mind the bike she wanted. It would be blue because that was her favorite color. It would have streamers coming out of the handlebars and a wicker basket attached in front of the handlebars in which she could put her favorite teddy bear so that she could take him for rides. It had training wheels so that she would not fall and get hurt. And it was very, very shiny.

With her eyes still closed, Little Kathy felt what it would be like to ride that new bicycle. She could feel her legs pumping the pedals as she gripped tightly the handlebars…

