The Twins

And their parents

White Feather
Grab a Slice


Source — (Pixabay)

Mother Gaia and Father Sun gave birth to twins; a boy and a girl. The children lived in peace and harmony and joy in their early childhood. After a couple of hundred thousand years they finally reached adulthood. In their struggles to become self aware they went through all manner of trials and tribulations.

Like all children, they went through a rebellious phase as they approached adulthood. To show their independence, they rebelled against their parents. They behaved as though they had no need for them. They severed their connection to that which birthed them and nurtured them.

And they also began fighting with each other.

To show their superiority over their parents they became very destructive. Anything that was connected to their parents became something to be used and then cast aside. Respect and love were also cast aside.

The twins became ever more estranged from their heritage and their place in the world. As adults they had no idea who they were. In trying to create an identity, they developed a sense of separateness from everything around them. They got stuck in their heads and consequently their hearts shriveled.

After many years their Mother became sick. The destructiveness of her children was breaking her heart. She longed for her children to return to her…

