Technology Fiction

Thin Rectangular Boxes

A dystopian horror comedy

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
9 min readSep 25, 2020


Langston placed a fresh log on the fire then sat back down in his comfortable chair. Pulling his pocket watch out of his vest pocket he checked the time. Chester had been gone now for an hour and a half. Looking at the empty seat in the time machine, Langston figured that Chester would be coming back from the future soon.

Langston took a sip of brandy then crossed his legs. He then opened a box on his desk, pulling out a match. Putting a fresh cigar in his mouth, he struck the match on the bottom of his boot then lit the cigar. Taking a deep drag of smoke, he then blew out the smoke in a wavy circle. He watched the circle of smoke move across the air of the dimly lit room until it finally dissipated.

It was the late 1890s and Langston had big plans for the impending new century. He intended to become rich and famous and become known as the greatest inventor of the twentieth century. Everyone would eventually know his name and books would be written about him. People would call him the smartest man on Earth.

Perhaps then he could afford better brandy. Chuckling at his own thoughts, he took another sip of brandy and blew another smoke ring.

