Today Is Someone’s Birthday

Moments in limbo

Sylvia Wohlfarth
Grab a Slice


Photo by Zhaoli JIN on Unsplash

“9. May, hmm…” I say to myself, “sounds like it might be Jane’s birthday today.” And, so I check with Robert, but it’s not. It’s on the 11., he writes back. Sounds wrong though, but then I guess, her husband should know.

I’m caught in a world lost in time and dates.

Sitting here in limbo between two idyllic parks on a bench parallel to the railway track — not pretty but quiet. When a train doesn’t happen by.

Image: Me

A slight but warm breeze gently caresses my neck. Comforting.

I feel so strange and nicely alone… and then I hear my name and look up to the friendly face of a friend of my daughter’s. Thankfully, I recognise her — a smile so pleased to see me, I just have to know her. Yes, a close friend whose name I can’t recall… wait, I think it’s Nora... relief. I promise to say hello to my daughter.

Strange but comforting to be acknowledged in the wasteland of a city I’ve never lived in before. A refugee with a face.



Sylvia Wohlfarth
Grab a Slice

An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…