We Are Broadcasters

What frequency are we using?

White Feather
Grab a Slice


Image by Clickr-Free-Vector-images (Pixabay)

Every Earthling is broadcasting electrical vibrations at all times. We are also receivers. We are like two-way radios, constantly putting out vibrations and constantly receiving vibrations from our environment.

We receive vibrations two ways. One way is through the outer senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Information received through the outer senses is processed by that gray matter in our noggins. The other way we receive information is through our inner senses. Our inner senses receive subtle vibrations that the outer senses cannot register. This subtle information is received and processed by our heart and our solar plexus. It is then sent to the noggin to be included in mental processing.

Sadly, the noggins of most Earthlings have been conditioned since childhood to ignore and dismiss any information coming from the inner senses. As a result most Earthlings’ inner senses are in a state of near atrophy from lack of use. So as receivers we have two channels to receive information and vibrations but we mostly just use one of the channels; the one in the noggin.

While we receive on two different frequencies we also broadcast on two different frequencies. One frequency is used by the gray matter in the noggin and the other frequency is used by the heart center.

