
When Eskimos Change Into Their Shorts

And one’s muse skips town

White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


I don’t normally get upset if some other place is warmer than where I happen to currently be — provided that other place is some place like Costa Rica or Bali or the Sahara Desert. But when the other place that is warmer than where I happen to currently be is the North Pole then I get just a wee bit pissed off.

The weather over the North Pole and the weather over most of America have exchanged places. It is now considerably warmer at the North Pole. While the Eskimos are putting on their shorts I am realizing that I just don’t have enough clothes to put on in order to go outside without freezing to death.

It’s kind of nice to get pissed off every now and again. It provides a delightful little burst of energy. Sadly, it’s not enough energy to warm me up. Am I going to have to get enraged or something?

It’s too bad that my apartment doesn’t have a fireplace. If it did I could throw some of my novels in there to start a fire to stay warm by.

Well, that’s all I’ve got on that subject…

Has anyone noticed that there have been volcanos erupting around the world in the last week? Four that I’ve heard about. What’s that all about?

