Source — (Pixabay)

Wild Animals Everywhere

Lambs lying down with lions


Recently I read the Medium article, What If the Coronavirus Helped Us?, by Kristin Wilson . It is by far the best Coronavirus article I have read to date, bar none. It is very positive and uplifting and offers great mind food. I wholeheartedly suggest everyone read it.

The article got me to thinking about other positive things that could be added to Kristin’s list and I may get to that in a future post. But there is one positive aspect of the current panic that I feel like talking about right now. And that is about how wild animals are suddenly walking into our communities due to the lack of traffic and all humans being indoors.

I recently watched some video about this. I saw footage of dolphins swimming in the canals of Venice for the first time in many years. I saw footage of deer wandering through cities and of a coyote walking down a deserted avenue in downtown Chicago. And then I saw footage of a wild puma casually sauntering down an empty street in downtown Santiago, Chile.

This really, really, really turned me on!

I have been profoundly obsessed with mountain lions (pumas) since I was about six years old. As a kid I read everything I could get my little hands on about them (both fiction and non-fiction). When my family would go up into the mountains…

