


White Feather
Grab a Slice
Published in
4 min readJun 17, 2020


Source — (Pixabay)

What is new in your neighborhood? Is it pandemic related? Is it social upheaval? Is it mental confusion?

In my neighborhood the ongoing story is wind. I am not talking about what passes through one’s anus. I’m talking about Mother Nature’s wrath. For the past 3 to 4 weeks we’ve been inundated with non-stop wind. It’s been like a hurricane that lasts for weeks.

Seriously! I’ve been living here on the Great Plains of Turtle Island for over nine years now and I have never seen the kind of wind we’ve been experiencing lately. Day after day. The wind just does not stop. It’s like someone turned the thermostat to wind and the thermostat is now broken and the wind cannot be stopped. Not even for ten minutes!

In previous posts I have talked about the wind as though it were a passing thing. But it is not passing. It cannot be called a, ‘passing wind.’ It is passing but it does not stop. It just won’t stop! It just keeps passing.

Today I went out to my garden, which consists of six pots on the porch of my apartment building. I was profoundly upset when I saw that my one tomato plant had been blown over. Its stem was broken. I put a stick in the pot and tied the plant to it in order to keep it upright. There were five itty bitty green tomatoes on the plant. Will they recover…

